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Weekly GNOSS Newsletter: do you want to have an influence on your community?


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Weekly GNOSS Newsletter: do you want to have an influence on your community? 

Hello gnossonaut
last week we invited you to meet members of the GNOSS communities through the image cloud. How are you doing? Did you find friends? Sure! In some of your messages and emails you made us some very interesting suggestions. Among them, you asked us to encourage the other gnossonauts to include an image in their profiles. Absolutely agree! Therefore, we are taking this newsletter to ask all the gnossonaut community for a small effort. Well, two small efforts ;-) Let’s get to the point: to be more visible in gnoss.com, we recommend including that photo, portrait or caricature with which you identify yourself. You can do it from ‘My Profile’/ ‘Edit Profile’. And another idea: do you know that your biography appears associated with your image? You can work on it from ‘My Profile’/ ‘Edit biography’. If you want to be influential in gnoss.com, face it! ;-)
GNOSS guide for… teachers
Education and new ways of learning are major concepts in the GNOSS communities. Teachers in schools, high schools and vocational schools can find out and share the latest trends and ideas in the education field. Besides, the digital identity project and the various applications in the GNOSS communities can be very useful for the educational activity.

Did you know that in GNOSS you can...
bring the contents of your community where you want?
Gnoss.com communities have the option to share content on multiple social networks. You gnossonauts already know this possibility of interoperating from our knowledge network. We’ll tell you some examples of users who are ‘exploiting’ gnoss.com services:
The blog ‘Ideas aumentadas’ (augmented ideas) is associated with two gnoss.com communities: Marketing Aumentado (augmented marketing) and Branding. The person responsable for the blog wants knowledge shared on gnoss.com to be present in the blog. The gnoss.com widgets give him this service.
This organization that supports the development of talent and high skills has created a community where over a hundred people are taking part. Promete manages its online reputation from gnoss.com and for that it uses a Twitter channel that reports on new content of its community. Also, its official website includes a  gnoss.com widget which updates the resources shared by users.
The TIGs community analyzes trends in Geographic Information Technologies. The contents that its community manager shares in gnoss.com, can be seen directly through the Geomática Twitter channel, and also on Facebook at Tigs Geomática.



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