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National Cancer Institute (NCI) BioPortal

Bioportal del Instituto Nacional de Cáncer de EEEUU (National Cancer Institut, NCI) proporciona acceso al tesauro del NCI, al metatesauro del NCI y a otras terminologías biomédicas accesibles públicamente alojadas en el NCI, incluidas algunas ontologías como pueden ser la de gen o la de nanopartícula.

The National Cancer Institute (NCI) BioPortal provides access to the NCI Thesaurus, the NCI Metathesaurus and other select and publicly accessible biomedical terminologies hosted at the NCI. The original version of the BioPortal was written by the National Center for Biomedical Ontology (NCBO) and was used as the baseline for development of the NCI version of BioPortal. Much of the code base was reused and modified where appropriate to meet the needs of the National Center Institute Center for BioInformatics (NCICB).

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