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Investing in the Future of Jobs and Skills: Electromechanical engineering (Sector Report)


´ Investing in the Future of Jobs and Skills: Electromechanical engineering` forma parte de una serie de 16 estudios prospectivos sectoriales que se están realizando sobre nuevas habilidades y nuevos empleos en el marco del proyecto ´Comprehensive Sectoral Analysis of Emerging Competences and Economic Activities` promovido por la Unión Europea. En la página web del proyecto también está disponible un resumen ejecutivo de este informe.
Autores: Alphametrics & Ismeri Europa
The report examines the size of the two sectors (Machinery and equipment, and Electrical machinery and apparatus) in terms of their contribution to value-added and employment in EU Member States and the relative importance of the sub-sectors. It also considers the way that these have changed over time, and more specifically, over the last 10 years. The report also analyses the structure of the two sectors in terms of the division of employment between firms of different size, which reflects the production characteristics of the different activities covered.

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