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IOGDS: International Open Government Dataset Search - Buscador de datasets de Gobiernos

IOGDS: International Open Government Dataset Search - Buscador de datasets de Gobiernos

The TWC International Open Government Dataset Search (IOGDS) is a linked data application based on metadata "scraped" from hundreds of international dataset catalog websites publishing a rich variety of government data. Metadata extracted from these catalog websites is automatically converted to RDF linked data and re-published via the TWC LOGD SPARQL endpoint and made available for download. The TWC IOGDS demo site features an efficient, reconfigurable faceted browser with search capabilities offering a compelling demonstration of the value of a common metadata model for open government dataset catalogs. We believe that the vocabulary choices demonstrated by IOGDS highlights the potential for useful linked data applications to be created from open government catalogs and will encourage the adoption of such a standard worldwide

Incluye 10.092 datasets públicos en España (A fecha 27 de julio de 2012)

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